
Social and Cultural Geography


Digitalization and globalization processes have not only fundamentally changed our everyday lives, but are now impacting on the most intimate fields of our lives - the ways we love, have sex, procreate, understand our bodies, care for and are cared for by each other, etc. In this Bachlor seminar, we engaged with these profound upheavals brought about by the intertwining of the global with the intimate through digitalization. As an alternative to traditional seminar work, we experimented with producing and editing audio features to present content and research findings and make them accessible to a broader audience.

The students investigated the effects of digitalization and globalization on our intimate lives based on a concrete case study (e.g. couchsurfing, sex work, cycle app, activism on Instagram, etc.). They worked with methods of empirical social research and drafted a script and produced a 15-minute audio feature. 

In the spring semester 2021 the seminar was co-chaired by Dr. Elisabeth Militz (Social and Cultural Geography Unit) and Mario Sturny (SRF).

Surrogacy in China

Liu Haokun

All the following podcasts are in German only.

Strassenstrich Olten - eine Annäherung

Anna Hotz, Sophie Aebischer, Elin Egger

Erleben globaler Intimität durch die Verwendung der Zyklus-App Flo

Lara Siegenthaler, Tobias Zehr, Luca Gianom

(Online)Dating in Coronazeiten, geht das? Wie Corona das Datingverhalten der jungen Schweizer*innen beeinflusst

Kathrin Fischer, Yannic Imhof, Samuel Müller

Anonyme Intimität im Darknet

Tim Griffin, Lars Borgmann, Nick Amstutz

Digital Hate Speech - Ein Blick auf die globale, nationale und intime Ebene

Sarina Wellauer, Zinaida Frosio, Leena Raass

Next Stop Couchsurfing - Ein intimer Einblick in globales Reisen

Nina Etter, Leonie Haller, Lena Widmer

@madame_phila's Feminismus: Intime Instagramstories die vom Globalen erzählen

Mirjam Ackermann, Fabienne Luder, Fabienne Rigert

Link zum Instagram-Profil @madame_phila