
Economic Geography

Economic Geography Studio 2021

Economic Geography Studio 2021: Consultancy-based economic development project in Regio Frauenfeld

The Economic Geography Studio gives the opportunity to students to apply theoretical work to real-world context. During spring semester 2021 , the Economic Geography Studio offered the opportunity to students to develop a consultancy proposal and consultancy report to respond to the policy challenges of “attracting and retaining youth” in Regio Frauenfeld, a regional planning group that coordinates regional development between the city Frauenfeld and its surrounding municipalities (

On Wednesday 2 June 2021, the two student working groups, “Spatial Consulting AG” and “Crazy Innovation AG”, presented their policy recommendations to Mayor Anders Stokholm, City of Frauenfeld, and Dr. Judith Janker, managing director of Regio Frauenfeld. The policy recommendations aimed to identify urban amenities to attract and retain young people and policy strategy to promote jobs for young people. The working groups proposed tailored policy recommendations ranging from creating study spaces for students to affordable housing opportunities, and street food festivals (see attached the consultancy reports).

Lead: Dr. Arnault Morisson