Brief description of the project and it’s aims
Savannah degradation is increasingly overshadowed, especially by schemes promising to prevent global vegetal degradation without considering the unique nature of natural savannahs. This is the case of the Nigerian Guinea Savannah (NGS), where Land Degradation (LD) that is, the reduction or loss in the capacity of land resources to provide ecosystem services, has amplified social-economic and ecological woes of the local communities found in the zone. While country level assessments, strategies and programmes to neutralize LD in the zone remain inadequate. Research shortcomings such as empirical uncertainties about the nature, severity and total extent of LD in Nigeria still exist. Thus, we embraced a hybrid method of remote sensing along with surveys, focus group discussions and interviews to collect data and answer the various research questions.
The aim of the study is to assess the long-term effects of LD in the Nigerian Guinea Savannah (NGS) in relation to their transitional changes, drivers, and impacts on ecosystem services and to identify ways of reducing LD and its adverse effects on ecosystem services.