I hold a Master's degree in political and social sciences from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and a Ph.D. in social anthropology and ethnology from the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) in partnership with the Institut national d'études démographiques (INED) (France). My doctoral thesis is entitled "Medicalizing uncertainty. An Ethno-sociological study on egg freezing in France". It focused on social, medical, legal, bodily, technical, and kinship relations that shape egg freezing in the French context, particularly focusing on the link between egg freezing and motherhood. From January 2022, I work on the project "Reproductive geopolitics: Governing and Contesting In/Fertility in the Global Intimate" and conduct research on indigenous women’s access to reproductive health in Mexico.

My research interests include medical anthropology and medical sociology, anthropology of reproduction, gender and feminist theory, feminist science and technology studies (STS), and feminist technoscience. In the past, I have also studied sexual consent, sexual violence, and feminicide. I specialize in ethnographic methodologies (i.e., in-depth interviews, direct observation), conduction of field research in Western societies, and fieldwork in medical settings. I am currently learning affectual methodologies. My regional focus is France, Spain, Belgium, and Latin America.


Fields of research

  • medical anthropology and medical sociology
  • Anthropology of reproduction
  • gender and feminist theory
  • feminist science and technology studies (STS)
  • feminist technoscience


01/2020 - 06/2020

Visiting Scholar at Reproductive Sociology Research Group (ReproSoc), University of Cambridge, under the subversion of Sarah Franklin

2016 - 2021 Ph.D. in Social Anthropology and Ethnology at École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) and Institut national d’études démographiques (INED), France, under the supervision of Virginie Rozée (INED)
2013 - 2015 M.A. in Social and Political Sciences at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico, under the supervisión of Roberto Castro (CRIM-UNAM)
2008 - 2012 B.A. in Social Anthropology at Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos (UAEM), Mexico


Professional career

since 2021

 PostDoc Cultural and Social Geography University of Bern, SNSF Project 'Reproductive Geopolitics'




PÉREZ HERNÁNDEZ, Y. (2021), “Autoconservation ovocytaire sociale: imaginer le chaos”. In Un changement de civilisation ? Reproduction médicalement assistée et imaginaires sociaux, Fabrice Cahen, Doris Bonnet & Virginie Rozée (Eds.), Paris: Éditions de l’INED.

Pérez-Hernández, Y. (2021). Not all women who freeze their eggs want to have children. The Conversation.

Pérez-Hernández, Y. (2021). Toutes les femmes qui congèlent leurs ovocytes ne veulent pas forcément d’enfant. The Conversation.


PÉREZ HERNÁNDEZ, Y. & ROZÉE, V. (2019), “L’autoconservation ovocytaire en France: analyse d’une pratique biomédicale controversée”, 28, Revue ¿ Interrogations ?


PÉREZ HERNÁNDEZ, Y. (2018a), “Gestación subrogada. Una revisión etnográfica para contribuir al debate en México”, Debate Feminista, 56: 85-109. https://doi.org/10.22201/cieg.2594066xe.2018.56.05 

PÉREZ HERNÁNDEZ, Y. (2018b), “Reflexões antropológicas sobre o consentimento sexual em relações de namoro”. In Etnografias do afeto: construindo relações de parentesco, aliança e sexualidade em sociedades em transformação, Liliana Arellanos & Breno Rodrigo Oliveira Alencar (Eds.), Belen, Brazil: IFPA, pp. 180-243.


PÉREZ HERNÁNDEZ, Y. (2017a), “California define qué es ‘consentimiento sexual’”, Sexualidad, Salud y Sociedad. Revista Latinoamericana, 25: 113-133. https://doi.org/10.1590/1984-6487.sess.2017.25.06.a 

CAJAS, Juan et PÉREZ HERNÁNDEZ, Y. (2017b), “Dar, recibir y devolver. Reflexiones sobre ética y devolución económicas en antropología social”. In Sociología etnográfica. Sobre el uso crítico de la teoría y los métodos de investigación, Víctor Payá & Jovani Rivera (Coords.), Mexico City: UNAM/Juan Pablos Edition, pp. 297-322.


PÉREZ HERNÁNDEZ, Y. (2016), “Consentimiento sexual: un análisis con perspectiva de género”, Revista Mexicana de Sociología, 78(4): 741-767. (link)

Governing the fertility of racialized women in Mexico: (Old) Family planning policies and new forms of populationism

Duration 2021-2025
Funding Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF
Link reproductivegeopolitics.ch

The history of Mexican birth control policies reflects complex intersections of gender, race, class, and colonial dynamics. Before 1973, the government promoted population growth with racial and national ideals. The 1994 UN Conference on Population and Development marked a shift towards sexual and reproductive rights. Yet, Mexico pursued a Malthusian demographic policy, employing aggressive sterilization campaigns and intrusive family planning programs.

These practices disproportionately affected low-income, rural, peasant, and indigenous women. Statistics reveal the gendered and racialized nature of these policies, with ongoing disparities in sterilization rates among indigenous women. Qualitative research on this topic.

This project aims to explore the experiences of sterilized women, shedding light on the entanglements of reproductive and racial policies and the effects of population control on women’s lives. The methodology includes interviews, archival research, direct observation, and body mapping.

Preliminary fieldwork highlights ongoing sterilization campaigns in state-subsidized hospitals and women’s positive experiences of sterilization taken in challenging economic, living, and working conditions.

This research is part of the SNF-funded project “Reproductive Geopolitics: Governing and Contesting In/Fertility in the Global Intimate,” led by Dr. Prof. Carolin Schurr. This project aims to understand how the differential access to reproductive technologies reflects the differential valuation of certain bodies based on gender, race, class, and other social markers.

Medicalising uncertainty. An Ethno-sociological Research on Egg Freezing in France

Duration 2016-2021

Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT, Mexico) and Agence de la Biomédicine (ABM, France)


This dissertation studies France's complex social, medical, legal, bodily, technical, and kinship relations that shape egg freezing (oocyte vitrification for autologous purposes). The study focuses both on the normative dimension that structures access to this biomedical technology and on the practices and experiences of those directly involved (the women having theirs eggs frozen, as well as the practitioners and laboratory technicians who make it medically and technically possible), and on the technical dimension of oocyte freezing. Drawing on 20-month fieldwork (2018 - 2019), this research presents an Ethno-sociological study combining semi-structured interviews and ethnographic research. Direct observation took place in three French centers for assisted reproductive techniques (centres d’assistance médicale à la procréation-Centre d’Étude et de Conservation des Œufs et du sperme, AMP-CECOS) and, in particular, in their in vitro fertilization (IVF) laboratories. On the one hand, this work proposes deconstructing the three legal-medico categories of access to oocyte freezing in France: medical egg freezing or “fertility preservation,” egg-sharing (ESH), and so-called social egg freezing (SEF). On the other hand, it questions the link between oocyte vitrification, procreation, and motherhood. Contrary to what one might think, my study suggests that egg freezing is not necessarily a biotechnology for procreation. My analysis allows me to argue that egg freezing is a kind of medicalization of uncertainty from an institutional, subjective, and technical point of view.

October “Altruism and motherhood in conflict: egg sharing in France and the transition towards universal reimbursed social egg freezing”, at Workshop ‘A decade of Egg Freezing: Experiences, Ethics, and Expectations’, organized by Zeynep Gürtin (UCL) & Marcia Inhorn (Yale University), at Fondation Brocher, Geneva, Switzerland
October “La autoconservación de óvulos: una tecnología reproductiva para la (no) maternidad”, at I AFIN International Conference on Female Reproductive Health, AFIN Research Group, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain.
November “L’accès aux technologies de reproduction comme révélateur de la procréation stratifiée : Des méthodes contraceptives définitives à l’autoconservation ovocytaire”, at Colloque fermé les contours contemportains de l’in/fertilité (France, Suisse, Belgique), Université de Genève, Geneva, Switzerland.
October “Autoconservation ovocytaire (AO) en contexte d’endométriose en France. Entre résistance (quasi)héroïque et célibat”, Workshop Endométriose et inégalités. Expériences, expertises et poblème public, MSH Paris Nord, Paris, France
June “Depuis plusieurs années, c’est plutôt clair que je n’ai pas envie d’avoir d’enfant’. Autoconservation ovocytaire et (non-)maternité(s) dans le contexte français”, Symposium, Ined, Paris. Available online at: https://vimeo.com/475126153
September “Institutional categories on autologous oocyte vitrification in France through women’s experiences,” Annual Meeting. Society for Social Studies of Science (SSSS), New Orleans, on 5th September.
August “L’autoconservation ovocytaire pour différer la maternité : une technologie pour l’émancipation des femmes ?” 2nd International Congress of the Gender Institute, Angers, France.

Lecture. “Autoconservación de óvulos para diferir la maternidad. ¿Un nuevo combate feminista?”, Mexico City. Available online at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYEMlxDmzTs

June “Les représentations de la maternité en France à travers les discours institutionnels autour de l’autoconservation ovocytaire”, Symposium Assisted reproductive technology and social imaginaries, Ined, Paris.
June Reproductive Justice. An introduction (In Spanglish) with Julieta Chaparro-Buitrago (Lecturer in Sociology, ReproSoc Researcher, University of Cambridge), at BIOS2022 ‘Worlding bodies, situating technologies. Geography meets feminists STS’, Burgdorf, Switzerland.
September “Gestación subrogada en América Latina: Reflexiones feministas sobre una práctica compleja”, International Conference, El Colegio de México
December “Quand le Sud pense le Nord: défis méthodologiques et enjeux épistémologiques”, International Workshop, EHESS/Ined, Paris [Hybrid format].
November “Etnografiar la transformación: rituales afectivos, matrimoniales, sexuales y reproductivos en América latina”, Roundtable, Latino-American Association of Anthropology (ALA), Montevideo, Uruguay [Online].
June “Reflections on Research Experiences among “unmarked groups”: ethnographies of inverted fieldworks”, Roundtable, 8th Ethnography and Qualitative Research Conference, Italy [online].