Geographisches Institut


Dr. Mario Kummert

research assistant

Universität Bern
Geographisches Institut
Hallerstrasse 12
CH-3012 Bern


Peer-reviewed publications in international journals


Kummert, M., Bodin, X., Braillard, L. & Delaloye, R. (2021). Pluri-decadal evolution of rock glaciers surface velocity and its impact on sediment export rates towards high alpine torrents. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 46, 3213–3227.


Marcer, M., Nielsen, S.R., Ribeyre, C., Kummert, M., Duvillard, PA., Schoeneich, P., Bodin X. & Genuite, K. (2020). Investigating the slope failures at the Lou rock glacier front, French Alps. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 31: 15-30.


Kummert, M. & Delaloye, R. (2018). Regional-scale inventory of periglacial moving landforms connected to the torrential network system. Geographica Helvetica 73: 357-371.

Kummert, M. & Delaloye, R. (2018). Mapping and quantifying sediment transfer between the front of rapidly moving rock glaciers and torrential gullies. Geomorphology 309: 60-76.

Kummert, M., Delaloye, R. & Braillard, L. (2018). Erosion and sediment transfer processes at the front of rapidly moving rock glaciers: systematic observations with automatic cameras in the western Swiss Alps. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 29: 21-33.


Fischer, M., Huss, M., Kummert, M. & Hoelzle, M. (2016). Application and validation of long-range terrestrial laser scanning to monitor the mass balance of very small glaciers in the Swiss Alps. The Cryosphere 10: 1279-1295.

Lambiel, C., Maillard, B., Kummert, M. & Reynard, E. (2016). Geomorphology of the Hérens valley (Swiss Alps). Journal of Maps 12/1: 160 - 172.


Lambiel, C., Maillard, B., Kummert, M. & Reynard, E. (2015). La diversité géomorphologique du Val d’Hérens. Bull. Murithienne 132: 57 - 67

Peer-reviewed conference proceedings


Kummert, M. & Bodin, X. (2020). Attempt at detecting cases of connectivity between rock glaciers and torrents using morphometrical indices. In: Alvioli, M., Marchesini, I., Melelli, L. & Guth, P. (eds), Proceedings of the Geomorphometry 2020 Conference. DOI: 10.30437/GEOMORPHOMETRY2020_64


Kummert, M. & Delaloye, R. (2015). Quantifying sediment transfer between the front of an active alpine rock glacier and a torrential gully. In: Geomorphometry for Geosciences (2015), Jasiewicz J., Zwolinski Zb., Mitasova H., Hengl T. (eds). Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan - Institute of Geoecology and Geoinformation, International Society for Geomorphometry, Poznan, Poland, 193 - 196.

Conference abstracts (selection)


Kummert, M. & Delaloye, R. (2018). Connectivity and sediment transfer at the front of active rock glaciers. 5thEuropean Conference on Permafrost (EUCOP5), Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, France, 2018. (Presentation)

Kummert, M. & Delaloye, R. (2018) Inventory of torrential catchments in which periglacial moving landforms act as active sediment sources to the channel, Workshop Permafrost 2018, Sion VS. (Presentation)


Kummert, M., Barboux, C. & Delaloye, R. (2017). Sedimentary connection between rock glaciers and torrential channels. Definition, inventory and quantification from a test area in the south-western Swiss Alps. European Geoscience Union conference (EGU), Vienne, Autriche. (Presentation)


Kummert, M. & Delaloye, R. (2016) Erosion and sediment transfer at the front of rapidly moving rock glaciers. Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2016, Genève GE. (Presentation)

Kummert, M., Braillard, L., Staub, B. & Delaloye, R. (2016). Spatial and temporal variability of the sediment transfer at the front of active rock glaciers, cases studies form the western Swiss Alps. 11th International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP11), Potsdam, Allemagne. (Presentation)


Kummert, M., Barboux, C., Braillard, L. & Delaloye, R. (2015) Sediment transfer from the front of active rock glaciers into torrential channels: A new inventory method in the perspective of torrential hazard assessment. Congrès bisannuel de la Société Suisse de Géomorphologie, Innertkirchen BE. (Presentation)


Kummert, M., Braillard, L. & Delaloye, R. (2014) Spatial and temporal variability of the sediment transfer processes at the front of the Gugla-Bielzug rock glacier (Mattertal, VS). Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2014, Fribourg FR. (Presentation)

Kummert, M., Barboux, C. & Delaloye, R. (2014) Classifying torrential catchments according to the contribution of slope movements in the sediment supply to the channel: a pilot study in the lower Valais (Swiss Alps). Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2014, Fribourg FR. (Poster)

Kummert, M., Braillard, L. & Delaloye, R. (2014). The sediment yield at the front of active rock glaciers, a study based on observations and field measurements conducted in the western Swiss Alps. 4th European Conference on Permafrost (EUCOP4), Evora, Portugal. (Poster)

Theses and reports

Kummert, M. (2018) Sediment transfer and connectivity at the front of active rock glaciers, alpine cryosphere and geomorphology studies 6. (Doctoral thesis)

Delaloye, R., Abbet, D., Barboux, C., Braillard, L., Kummert, M. and Morard, S. (2013, unpubl.). Blockgletscher und Hangrutschungen in Permafrostgebieten. Projekt “Mattertal” (2009-2013), Gemeinde St.-Niklaus und Randa, Abschlussbericht 2013

Kummert, M. (2012, unpubl.) Cartographie géomorphologique de la dynamique sédimentaire et torrentielle de haute montagne. Le cas du bassin-versant des Aiguilles Rouges d'Arolla, Val d'Hérens (VS). Master thesis, Institute of Geography, University of Lausanne

Curriculum Vitae:

Professional experience

  • 2022- : Postdoc and research assistant, Geography Institute, University of Berne, Switzerland
  • 2019-2021: Postdoc SNF, EDYTEM Lab, University Savoie-Mont-Blanc, Le Bourget-du-Lac, France
  • 2018-2019: Postdoc and scientific collaborator, Department of Geosciences, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
  • 2013-2018: PhD student and teaching assistant, Department of Geosciences, University of Fribourg, Switzerland

Academic qualification

  • 2018: PhD Thesis, Department of Geosciences, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
  • 2012: Master in Geography, Geography Institute, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
  • 2010: Bachelor in Geography, Geography Institute, University of Brussels, Belgium

Research interests:

  • Mountain geomorphology
  • Sediment transfer dynamics
  • Permafrost & periglacial geomorphology
  • Natural hazards in mountains
  • GIS (e.g. mapping, spatial analyses), remote sensing (e.g. LiDAR, photogrammetry) & field monitoring (e.g. dGPs surveys, ground temperatures, webcams)