Institute of Geography

Group Portrait

Rosa Felicitas Philipp

PhD Studentin

Sozial- und Kulturgeographie

Postal Address
Universität Bern
Geographisches Institut
Sozial- und Kulturgeographie
Hallerstrasse 12
CH-3012 Bern

Fields of Research

  • Feminist Political Ecology
  • Eco-territorial conflicts
  • Indigenous Resistance
  • Urban agriculture and sustainable development
  • Audio-visual and participatory methods

Regional focus: Colombia, Mexico


2022 Visiting scholarship at the Benermerita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Mexico with Dra. Mina Lorena Navarro Trujillo in the "Entremados Comunitarios" group
2020 - 2022 Coordinator of the BA Latin American Studies and research assistant at the Central Institute for Latin American Studies, Catholic University of Eichstätt, Germany
2019 - 2020 Project assistant at Action medeor e.V.        
2019 M.Sc. in Geography (Research Master), University of Bern, Switzerland
2018 Research stay in Mexico City for the master thesis "Urban agriculture in Mexico City as a "life project": analysis of different dimensions of resilience".
2016 B.Sc. in Geography, Catholic University of Eichstätt, Germany (Semester abroad 2015 at the Universidad del Rosario in Bogotá, Colombia)


2022 - 2025 Doc.CH Fellowship of the SNF for doctoral project
2022 DAAD research fellowships for doctoral students, 2021/22 for field research stay in Mexico with guest research stays
2021 proFOR+: Internal research funding of the Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt according to the funding line "small grants" for field research stay in Mexico
2015-2019 Scholarship holder of the Max Weber Program the Bavarian Elite Network (implemented by the German Study Foundation)
2015 PROMOS scholarship for internships from the DAAD for the internship at the Secretaría Distrital de Ambiente Bogotá, Colombia

Affiliations and memberships

  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Lateinamerikaforschung
  • AK Feministische Geographien
  • Zentralinstut für Lateinamerikastudien, Katholische Universität Eichstätt, Deutschland 

Philipp, Rosa; Käsbohrer, Andrea (2023): Humangeographie. In: Lay Brander, M. (Hrsg.): Einführung in die Lateinamerikastudien. Ein Handbuch. Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin.

Philipp, Rosa (2023): Eine Feministische Politische Ökologie des Widerstands am Istmo de Tehuantepec, Mexiko. In: Schmidt, M.; Middendorf, S. L.; Purwins, S.; Walter, C. (Hrsg.): The Plurality of Political Ecology Tagungsband zur zweiten augsburger.forschungswerkstatt. Geographica Augustana, 35, Augsburg, 55 – 62.


Part of the podcast: Wissen, das wir brauchen. Was ist Wissenschaft?, 22.06.2023, Kühn, Kathrin.


Grunow, Hendrikje; Philipp, Rosa (2023): Wintervortragsreihe: Feminismen im globalen Kontext: Perspektiven – Bewegungen – Beziehungen. Newsletter des Zentralinstituts für Lateinamerikastudien.

“Body & Territory: A Feminist Political Ecology of Female Protagonism in Environmental Conflict”

Duration 2022-2025

Doc.CH Stipendium des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds


At the Istmo de Tehuantepec in Mexico, the Corredor Interoceánico (Interoceanic Corridor) is to be built to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The infrastructure project includes various projects that are intended to strengthen the "development" of the region, which is characterized by very high cultural and biological diversity. The project polarizes the local population, with some protesting the project. Feminist political ecology (FPE) focuses on the relationships between bodies and territories in environmental conflicts (Sultana 2020, 6f.). Building on work with FPE, this PhD project explores the role that (indigenous) women's relationships with their territory play in political activism against the Corredor Interoceánico infrastructure project. Drawing on the theoretical framework of FPE, I work with feminist collaborative audio-visual and visual methods to highlight the spatialized and embodied experiences of women in resistance (Sundberg 2016, 6). My doctoral project sharpens Feminist Political Ecology in relation to its corporeal and emotional perspectives and strives to design an Embodied Feminist Political Ecology. Through the application of methods, FPE is expanded as I make visible the relationships of women and their territories that underlie resistance.


November «"El Sur resiste, existe porque resiste!” – R-existencia at the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico» auf dem 21st Swiss Geoscience Meeting im Panel (organsiert von Johanna Paschen und mir) «Climate Justice and Feminist Political Ecology”, Mendrisio, Schweiz
  «"¡El sur existe, existe porque resiste!" - Rexistencia en el Istmo de Tehuantepec, México: resistencia frente al megaproyecto del Corredor Interoceánico en el sur de México» auf dem Nachwuchsworkshop «Aktuelle Entwicklungen in Lateinamerika» im Rahmen der Konferenz «Crisis, Política y Resistencia en el Antropoceno», Weingarten, Deutschland
September «Widerstand am Beispiel des Cuerpo-Territorio der Frauen am Isthmus von Tehuantepec, Mexiko, neu denken» auf der Konferenz Deutscher Geographischer Kongress mit dem Motto «Planetary Futures» im Panel «Die Neuverhandlung von Gesellschaft-Umweltverhältnissen in Umweltprotesten», Frankfurt, Deutschland
  «Territorium in neoextraktivistischen Konflikten aus einer feministischen Perspektive neu denken» auf der Konferenz Deutscher Geographischer Kongress mit dem Motto «Planetary Futures» im Panel «Ort und Verortung als Konzepte der Geographie: Praktiken und Konfigurationen», Frankfurt, Deutschland
June "Cuerpo-Territorio de mujeres en resistencia en el Istmo de Tehuantepec, México" at the conference of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Lateinamerikaforschung (ADLAF) on "Environmental Justice" in the panel "Conflictos y violencia", Berlin, Germany
March Workshop “Conectando experiencias con enfoque en el cuidado" at the meeting “Autonomias en prâctica” of the collective “El Cambalache.” Together with Nisaguie Abril Flores Cruz, San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexiko
November "Understanding Territory as Practices of Resistance" in the panel "Contestations" at the conference Here, There and Somewhere in Between: Placing, Practicing, Configuring, Mid-term conference of the Graduate School: "Practicing Place: SocioCultural Practices and Epistemic Configurations, Catholic University of Eichstätt, Germany.
September Presentation of my PhD project and participation in the Summer School "Environments of Inequality. Crises, Conflicts, Comparisons" at the Center of Advanced Latin American Studies, Guadalajara, Mexico.
July "Body and Territory: A Feminist Political Ecology of Female Protagonism in Environmental Conflict" in the session "Environmental crisis and feminist political ecology" at the International Conference on crisis, recovery and gender: feminist spatial perspectives organized by the Commission on Gender and Geography International pre-conference for the 100th International Geographers Union Congress Paris at the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain.
June "Cuerpo & Territorio: Una Ecología Política Feminista del portagonismo feminino en conflictos medioambientales" at Mesa 488 of the "Movimientos sociales, territorios y levantamientos populares: conflictos, experiencias y desafíos" at the 9ª Conferencia Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Ciencias Sociales", Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico.
May "Körper & Territorium: Eine Feministisch Politische Ökologie des weiblichen Protagonismus in Umweltkonflikten" in the panel "Political Ecological Perspectives on (Environmental) Justice" at the zweite.augsburger.forschungswerkstatt: the plurality of political ecology, University of Augsburg, Deutschalnd.
April "Body and Territory: A Feminist Political Ecology of Female Protagonism in Environmental Conflict" in the panel "Women, Land, and Dispossession in the Americas" at the conference "Defending the land: Socio-environmental conflicts in the Americas", Villanova University, USA.


Current Teaching

autumn 2022 Übung zur Vorlesung


Past Teaching (Katholische Universität Eichstätt Deutschland)

spring 2021

Einführung in die Geographien Lateinamerikas: Soziale und wirtschaftliche Realitäten wahrnehmen und schaffen – Grundlagen der Geographie Lateinamerikas

spring 2021

Methoden- und Projektseminar: Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen in Lateinamerika

aitimn 2021/22

Einführung in die Geographien Lateinamerikas: Soziale und wirtschaftliche Realitäten wahrnehmen und schaffen – Wirtschaftsgeographie Lateinamerikas

autumn 2020/2021

Einführung in die Geographien Lateinamerikas: Soziale und wirtschaftliche Realitäten wahrnehmen und schaffen – Wirtschaftsgeographie Lateinamerikas

spring 2020 Einführung in die Geographien Lateinamerikas: Soziale und wirtschaftliche Realitäten wahrnehmen und schaffen – Grundlagen der Geographie Lateinamerikas